Trash to Treasure

It's easy to turn trash to treasure with these green crafts. Don't throw stuff away because you have finished with it, give it a new lease of life instead.

You can help the environment by recycling tins, jars, old clothes and so much more. 

We have lots of ideas to get you started turning that trash into treasure.

You can save money as well as helping the environment.

Our green crafts will give you ideas on how to make decorative and useful items out of the stuff you would usually throw away. Get ready for some thrifty fun and start saving your trash.

Trash To Treasure ~ Quick Links

Click on one of the images below to take you directly to the craft tutorial page or scroll down to find out a bit more about each craft before you decide.

How to Make Pom Poms

Learn how to make pom poms from odd scraps of yarn.

If you like knitting or crochet then you probably have lots of colorful yarn left over from larger projects.

Don't throw those odd balls of yarn away turn them into bright and cheerful pom poms.

If you don't knit or crochet perhaps a friend or relative has a wool box you can raid.

Homemade Gift Tags

These homemade gift tags can easily be made using off cuts of card.

Keep your old birthday and Christmas cards and cut them down to make pretty gift tags.

Small off-cuts of ribbon or lace give a great personalized finishing touch. It couldn't be easier to turn trash to treasure.

Sweet wrappers, pictures from magazines or old wrapping paper can be used to decorate a small piece of card and turn it into a gorgeous gift tag.

Outdoor Candle Holders

These outdoor candle holders are pretty and functional.

Covered with string they make a great and unique addition to any outdoor gathering.

Once you have finished with the original use for the jar we often just rinse it out and put it in the recycle bin. 

Glass jars come in a great range of shapes and sizes, these jars can be re-purposed and are easy to decorate.

How To Make String Bracelets

These simple string bracelets are great for the kids to make.

You can use any off-cuts of string, ribbon or yarn to make these or mix it up and use all three. You could even use rags cut into thin strips.

As long as you can braid it you can use it to make a pretty braided bracelet. 

A great recycling project for a rainy day.

A Braided Rag Rug

This braided rag rug is a great recycling project, practical and gorgeous.

Old sheets, curtains and duvet covers are great and old denim jeans work really well.

A few old shirts or other items of clothing can add different colors or textures. 

You won't need any expensive equipment, a sewing machine will speed up the process but you can easily sew the strips by hand if you don't have a machine. You don't need to be great at sewing either, the stitches are simple and easy.

Papier Mache Bowl

Make these great papier mache bowls using old newspaper and glue.

They look fantastic and can be decorated in lots of different ways.

You can make them in any shape or size, all you need is a suitable bowl to use as a mold.

Once varnished you can use them to hold all sort of things. It couldn't be easier to turn trash to treasure. Even young children will be able to produce a gorgeous bowl with a little help.

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