How to Make A God's Eye

God's eye weaving is a so easy once you know how that even the kids can do it. These pretty wall hangings make a great talking point in any room and can be made to suit your decor.

I hate waste and always try to find new uses for old things, this recycled craft is a great way of using up scraps of yarn from other projects.

You can use any sticks for these god's eyes.

Popsicle (ice lolly) sticks are great for children as they are flat and easier to weave around.

Try looking for some reasonably straight twigs from your garden or country walks. You can use wooden skewers or cocktail sticks depending on how big or small you want your finished weaving. 

Mia's Top Tip

When weaving your God's Eye keep the tension just tight enough for the yarn to be taut but so the sticks do not bend.

If you are using large sticks you may find that the sticks bow in a little.

Don't worry about this I think it just adds to the charm of the finished weaving.

Materials and Equipment

  • 2 sticks
  • Yarn 
  • Scissors

Need Supplies?

Go to God's eye supplies to find all you need for this craft.
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How to Make A God's Eye Tutorial

Make a slip knot and pass it over your 2 sticks. The link will open in a new window so you don't lose this page.

You can see from the diagram that I have labelled each of the sticks to make the instructions easier to follow.

You may find it easier to add stickers to the end of your sticks with the letters on them.

Hold the sticks so they are at right angles to each other.

Tighten the knot in the center of the sticks.

Try to make sure that the sticks are all the same length from the center.

Turn your sticks so that it looks exactly like that in the diagram.

The yarn should be placed diagonally from between [a] and [d] to [c] and [b].

The sticks will move around to start with and the first few steps will help you secure them so they don't move around.

Bring the yarn from the back of the sticks between [a] and [b], across the front diagonally so it's between [c] and [d].

Then take the yarn up behind stick [d].

Bring the yarn diagonally across the front so it's between [c] and [b].

Take the yarn behind stick [c] so it's between [c] and [d]. 

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