Yarn Crafts

You will find lots of yarn crafts with step by step tutorials, photo's and diagrams. Learn how to make dream catchers, worry dolls, God's eyes and lots of other craft ideas.

A lot of these craft ideas are suitable for children to do with a little help. The kids will love learning how to make pom poms or string bracelets.

Some of these crafts might bring back memories of your own childhood, I made lots of yarn dolls when I was a child.

A few of these yarn crafts require a lot of patience like the worry dolls and dreamcatchers but they are really worth  the effort as you will love the finished project.

Yarn Crafts ~ Quick Links

Click on one of the images below to take you directly to the craft tutorial page or scroll down to find out a bit more about each craft before you decide.

Spider Web Dreamcatcher

Make a spider web dreamcatcher with this easy to follow tutorial.

These are a bit fiddly to get started but the weave is repetitive and relaxing once you know how.

Use this technique to make a Halloween spider web to add to your party fun.

These dreamcatchers look great all year round, hang near a window and they will spin as they catch the breeze.

Yarn dolls

These yarn dolls are easy and cheap to make as you can use any left over yarn from other projects.

This is a great project for recycling as you can even make them from small oddments of yarn tied together or try fabric strips.

Once you have made one you will see how easy they are even the kids could make them with a bit of help. 

How To Make Pom Poms

These pom poms are really easy to make and will look great anywhere.

You can hang them around the room or attach them to clothing or bags.

The kids will love making them and should keep them occupied for quite some time. 

I have included a template for the card circles so you can make them in lots of different sizes. 

How To Make Worry Beads

Worry beads
make an unusual and thoughtful gift especially for someone going through a stressful time.

Greek worry beads are usually made from natural substances like wood or amber as these feel nice to touch.

These beads are stress relief toys and have no religious significance so can be used by anyone.

How To Make Dream Catchers

This small dream catcher looks great and would make a pretty addition to any bedroom. 

I have recycled old curtain rings and used some suede cord left over from another project.

You can make them in any color to suit your taste and decor.

The basic stringing method is the same whether you are making a large version or a small one.

How To Make Worry Dolls

Learn how to make worry dolls for your own children or for gifts for a friend going through a difficult time. 

These gorgeous Guatemalan dolls are a great yarn craft they are easy to make and the process is relaxing and fun.

Be careful though as they can become quite addictive and you will be getting ideas for a whole family of worry dolls.

How To Do Braids

I will show you how to make easy braids that can be used in lots of different projects.

Start by making some simple braids out of odd balls of yarn. Use 3 different colors so you can follow the diagrams easily.

These make a great project for kids and can be made into bracelets, necklaces or hair ties.

If you already know how to braid you could have a go at making my braided rag rug.

How To Make Tassels

Tassels have many uses and can add a  bit of originality to a plain shop bought item.

Adding your own tassels not only gives you a chance to personalize your soft furnishing they can also save you money.

You can add tassels to cushions, tiebacks, throws, worry beads, bookmarks or greeting cards, I'm sure you can think of lots more uses too.

How To Make God's Eyes

God's eye weaving is a so easy once you know how that even the kids can do it.

These brightly colored God's eyes look great in any room, they were often made for children and would brighten any child's bedroom.

I love these type of recycled yarn crafts as you can use those scraps that are not much use for anything else. 

Pom Pom Spider

This cute Halloween spider is made from pom poms and pipe cleaners.

They are inexpensive and fun to make any time of the year.

You can use any scrap of yarn to make this. Try making them in different sizes so you have a whole family.

How To Make A Fringe

You can make a fringe to add to a scarf, blanket or cushion.

There are so many different things that you can brighten up with a pretty fringe.

You can also add a fringe to solid objects like the sticks in a God's eye weaving.

How To Make String Bracelets

These easy string bracelets can be made from a variety of materials giving very different finishes.

These are made by braiding threads together, they are really easy to make and the kids will love making their own bracelets.

You can get a great effect using different colored embroidery threads or ribbons.

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